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Friday 23 August 2013



Its not about the super computer which imitate humans, instead of that i use this terms to explain the students who studies using by-heart technique. Basically its true that everybody of us hates study(may be you are the exception). But we need a good future, so we want to study(well). But mere by-heart study change you as a ROBOT.robot
because a robot can only do the task which is pre installed in to its memory. If we install a text-book data into its memory, we can retrieve the data, in the form that we installed. And we couldnt get a transformed data. And humans are required for processing the data.
in by-heart learning we are feeding the text-book directly in to your memory, we didn't use our processor well!!! and we wont be able to apply the studied fact in any other form. these are 100% true, that why every by-heart learners face problems while going for work, because they are actually ROBOTS, they can only study the facts and cannot apply it? think
whats-more... today's world needs innovative persons if you blindly following this type of technique to learn, you become static in nature. You might get good marks, but the future will close door in-front of you, because they don't need a data storage machine, there are lot of mechanical 'robots' available in market, Don't be a "human Robot "
how to be a innovative person? wait for more post from the simply different. "BE +VE"


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