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Sunday 18 August 2013



Its not about the mysteries that comes to your mind, apart from that here I mean the utmost aim in your life DREAMS. We began to dream from our childhood. In that age we might wish to became a driver when we saw a bus, wish to be a police officer when we saw movies, and even wish to be a Spiderman, superman…
But when you reach your adolescence stage, your dream will change as an attainable one. Such as a doctor, engineer, teacher, police, army, ca, business man…. Dreams become your passion in this stage, and we think about it again and again. Such as you think about the first salary you get from it, and purchasing a bike, car, house, partner…finally you become mad about it…isn’t it?

But what about the stage after the adolescence? You  began to be hard work to attain your dream or destiny, that is the stage where hurdles will arise, you may face problems, everybody see you as a laughing stock. You might lose support from everywhere. And majority of person drop their dreams in this stage…what else..your dream in the waste basket…….
Only strong determination will help to escape completely from that situation, whatever happens you must not drop your destiny or dream. You must not hear The arguments which restrict you to grow.  Don’t look back…face your problems with a smile

“if you salute your dreams, you need not salute anybody.And if you pollute your dreams, you need to salute everybody”

Don’t worry go  on with your dreams  …that’s all

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